Climate Week 2016 - "Spring into Action" - presented opportunities for citizens of all ages through a series of events over the course of one week (see the list of events below).  It was designed to bring us together in hope around the climate crisis, and to identify different ways to take direct, purposeful action. The sixth annual Climate Week was held in early spring, March 28 - April 3, 2016.

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Mobilizing the Energy Revolution: Mara Prentiss, Harvard University, Professor of Physics

March 28, 6:30–8pm, Main Library, 361 Washington St., Hunneman Hall
How do we convert our entire energy supply to renew-ables? Mara Prentiss, author of Energy Revolution: The Physics and the Promise of Efficient Technology, tells us about the opportunities and choices that must be made. “Most people aren’t aware of the enormous positive oppor¬tunities for change. I wrote the book to encourage people to embrace some of those changes.”

Climate Café: Exploring Your Place in the Climate Movement

Dan Ruben, Boston Green Tourism & Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman, Asst. Rabbi Temple Sinai & MA Interfaith Coalition for Climate Action (MAICCA)

March 29, 7-8:30pm program, Temple Sinai, 50 Sewall Ave.
Facing climate change can be overwhelming. It is also a pro-found opportunity to come together for service and justice. Join two pioneering climate leaders for their TED talk style presentations about their journeys into the climate move¬ment. After the presentations, break into small groups to explore ways to deepen our commitment to address climate change personally and in society.  Fossil Fuel Free Action: bring your electric bill and switch to clean renewable electricity.

Local Action, Big Results

Carol Oldham, Exec. Dir. MA Climate Action Network; Dr. Tommy Vitolo, Sr. Assoc., Synapse Energy Economics; Audrey Schulman, Pres. & Co-Founder HEET; Nathan Phillips, BU Professor of Earth and Environment; André LeRoux, Exec. Dir. MA Smart Growth Alliance.

March 30th, 6:30–7pm refreshments 7-9pm program, All Saints Church, 1773 Beacon St. 
Municipal climate initiatives are accelerating now across the Commonwealth. Leaders examine three ways communities are innovating: implementing options for local renewable electricity, eliminating methane gas leaks, and promoting smart growth through long range community vision to raise the bar on sustainable town and school expansion. Break out into workshops for developing impactful actions.

Powering Our Statehouse Forward: Will We Break Away from Fossil Fuels?

Mass. Power Forward coalition members: Joel Wool, Clean Water Action; Eugenia Gibbons, Mass. Energy Consumers Alliance; Marla Marcum, Climate Disobedience Center; Isaac Baker, Coop Power

March 31st, 6:30–8:30pm program, Main Library, Hunneman Hall, 361 Washington St.  
We are currently making decisions regarding our state’s infrastructure that will determine how our energy is delivered over the next sixty years. Join Mass. Power Forward leaders who are fighting for our future. Break into workshops for powering the state toward clean, renewable energy, stopping new gas lines, and developing community owned power.

This Changes Everything: A Film based on Naomi Klein’s book

April 1st, 7–9pm, Lawrence School, 27 Francis St., Auditorium
What if confronting the climate crisis is about much more than just using less energy and emitting less carbon? Naomi Klein, noted journalist and climate champion, points out that the challenge the human race faces is not just about atmospheric science, but also about the very socio-economic institutions of Western civilization.


Green Routes Bike Tour of Brookline

John Dempsey, Bicycle Advisory Committee
8–9:30am, Town Hall Parking Lot, 333 Washington St.
Want to make bicycling part of your daily routine? Brook¬line is improving safety for bicyclists. Join our tour of recent and planned bicycle infrastructure improvements. Riders high school age and older. About 8 miles.

3R Depot: Pitch In to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

10am–2pm, In & Around Town Hall, 333 Washington St.
Education, action, & fun for the whole family. Enjoy 3R De¬pot stations, lunch at the Carbon Café, & Youth Science Fair at the Pierce School.
LEARN Locate Brookline’s 351 methane gas leaks with a scav-enger hunt and art installation; Brookline Community Solar; Register to vote; Urban transit of the future; Climate Action Plan
KIDS CORNER Out of the Box creations with recycled goods; Story Hour
EAT The Carbon Café offers sample dishes from local produce and learn about hidden environmental costs of food.
SHARE Sports Gear Exchange: pick up or trade in used sports gear for all ages; Styrofoam and Packing Peanuts Recycling; Composting; Eyeglasses, cell phones and soda can pull-tabs.
TRY Electric cars and innovative bikes. Bring your bike and helmets. Free bike safety checks and advice. Donate your unused bikes to Bikes Not Bombs.

Youth Climate Adaptation Science Fair

11am–2pm, Pierce School, Pierce St. and 50 School St. entrances, Cafeteria
Join budding scientists as they step up to the challenge in a science fair that addresses climate change and adaptation. Brookline students from K – 12 put on their thinking caps as they address energy transportation, biodiversity, food supply, eco-friendly fashion. You be the judge!

Complete Streets for a Livable Brookline?

Chris Dempsey, Transportation Board; Scott Englander, Complete Streets Comm.: Jane Gould, Public Transportation Advisory Comm.; Bob Sloane, WalkBoston; Cynthia Snow, Brookline Bicycle Advisory Comm.
2–4pm, Main Library, 361 Washington St., Hunneman Hall
Transportation leaders describe a planning vision: Complete Streets, that safely integrates travel by foot, bicycle, and tran-sit. Learn how Brookline marks its place in the region by ap-plying this vision to our community.


Muddy River Project Walk: From Olmsted to the 21st Century

Fran Gershwin, Chair Muddy River Restoration Project Main-tenance and Management Oversight Committee

10–11:30am meet outside, Landmark Center. 401 Park Drive, Boston
Gershwin leads a walk highlighting project objectives: flood control, climate mitigation, water quality, habitat enhance-ment & historic landscape restoration followed by project viewing & refreshments upstairs at the Landmark Center.

Lost Pond Sanctuary Walk

Alex Cassie, Brookline Park Ranger

12–1:30pm, Lost Pond Sanctuary, Arlington Rd. entrance
Enjoy a guided walk through Lost Pond Sanctuary. This easy-pace walk shows a great snapshot of natural New England ecosystems and offers insight into how climate change can affect our natural areas. Walk held rain or shine, so dress accordingly.

What Voters Need to Know: Our Climate and the Elections of 2016

Gov. Michael Dukakis

3–4pm followed by reception, United Parish, 15 Marion St., Willett Hall  
Can America break free of fossil fuels? Governor Michael Du-kakis steps up debate on the consequences of the fossil fuel industry’s face off with climate champions in upcoming elections. Shaped by candidates, parties, the press, money, activists and voter turnout, the outcome will determine policy for years to come. Tune in for a lively discussion.