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Brookline Greenspace Annual Meeting
Tuesday, 23 April 2019,  6:00 pm -  7:30 pm

Brookline GreenSpace Alliance Annual Meeting: New Garden and Pending Pollinator Legislation

Guest speaker: Elisabeth Bertolozzi, President Fenway Garden Society

Did you know that many scientists think that the best way to help the migration process for Monarch Butterflies is by creating habitats for them in urban settings? Well…that’s exactly what community gardeners did over at the Fenway Victory Gardens* with the addition of their new Butterfly/Pollinator Garden! Also, there are two bills in the Massachusetts legislature this session that will help protect pollinators. Learn what we can do to help them pass.

6 pm greeting. 6:30 - 7:30 pm business meeting and speaker.


*The Fenway Garden Society works to maintain and encourage urban gardening in the Victory Gardens for the benefit of all the people of the city of Boston, providing a chance to work outdoors, enjoy green space, and work with nature, as well as cooperate with the Boston Parks Department and other related government agencies, community groups, and urban gardeners in preserving, maintaining and beautifying city park areas and other green spaces.

Featured Speaker:
Location Brookline Library, Huneman Hall, 361 Washington Street